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Sunday 21 August 2022

High-severity vulnerability' found in Google Chrome browser

 Google Chrome users should install the latest security updates immediately, following reports that hackers are exploiting a "high-severity vulnerability" flaw, the Singapore Computer Emergency Response Team (SingCERT) said on Friday (Aug 19).

Google did not provide further information, but released Chrome 104.0.5112.101 for Mac and Linux, and Chrome 104.0.5112.102/101 for Windows to address multiple vulnerabilities.

The high-severity vulnerability is "being exploited in the wild", or active and can be found in devices belonging to ordinary users.

The security fix for this bug is included in an update currently being rolled out, and users who have automatic updates turned on are expected to receive it in the coming days or weeks, according to technology website Bleeping Computer.

SingCERT has advised Google Chrome users on Windows, Mac and Linux computers to install the latest security updates immediately.

They are also encouraged to enable the automatic update function in Chrome to ensure that their software is updated promptly.

The vulnerability is a high-severity security issue linked to "Intents” - a feature that enables launching applications and web services directly from a web page, Bleeping Computer reported.

The vulnerability was reported on Jul 19 by Ashley Shen and Christian Resell of the Google Threat Analyst Group.

Google said it was aware that an exploit for the bug exists in the wild, but may restrict access to bug details and links until a majority of users are updated with a fix. 

"We will also retain restrictions if the bug exists in a third party library that other projects similarly depend on, but haven't yet fixed," it added.

Friday 5 August 2022

New Linux malware brute-forces SSH servers to breach networks


Tux with a storm behind

A new botnet called 'RapperBot' is being used in attacks since mid-June 2022, focusing on brute-forcing its way into Linux SSH servers to establish a foothold on the device.

The researchers show that RapperBot is based on the Mirai trojan but deviates from the the original malware's normal behavior, which is uncontrolled propagation to as many devices as possible.

Instead, RapperBot is more tightly controlled, has limited DDoS capabilities, and its operation appears geared towards initial server access, likely to be used as stepping stones for lateral movement within a network.

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Over the past 1.5 months since its discovery, the new botnet used over 3,500 unique IPs worldwide to scan and attempt brute-forcing Linux SSH servers.

Mirai-based, but different

The new botnet was discovered in the wild by threat hunters at Fortinet, who noticed the IoT malware featured some unusual SSH-related strings and decided to investigate further.

RapperBot proved to be a Mirai fork, but with its own command and control (C2) protocol, unique features, and atypical (for a botnet) post-compromise activity.

"Unlike the majority of Mirai variants, which natively brute force Telnet servers using default or weak passwords, RapperBot exclusively scans and attempts to brute force SSH servers configured to accept password authentication," explains the Fortinet report.

"The bulk of the malware code contains an implementation of an SSH 2.0 client that can connect and brute force any SSH server that supports Diffie-Hellmann key exchange with 768-bit or 2048-bit keys and data encryption using AES128-CTR."

The SSH brute-forcing relies on a list of credentials downloaded from the C2 via host-unique TCP requests, while the malware reports back to the C2 when it succeeded.

Fortinet researchers followed the bot and continued to sample new variants, noticing that RapperBot used a self-propagation mechanism via a remote binary downloader, which was removed by the threat actors in mid-July.

The newer variants circulating at that time featured a shell command that replaced the victim's SSH keys with the actor's, essentially establishing persistence that's maintained even after SSH password changes.

Moreover, RapperBot added a system to append the actor's SSH key to the host's "~/.ssh/authorized_keys," which helps maintain access on the server between reboots or even if the malware is found and deleted.

In the most recent samples analyzed by the researchers, the bot adds the root user "suhelper" on the compromised endpoints and creates a Cron job that re-adds the user every hour in case an admin discovers the account and deletes it.

RapperBot's attack overview
RapperBot's attack overview (Fortinet)

Also, it's worth noting that the malware authors added extra layers of obfuscation to the strings in later samples, like XOR encoding.

String obfuscation added on later variants
String obfuscation added on later variants (Fortinet)

RapperBot's goal

Most botnets either perform DDoS attacks or engage in coin-mining by hijacking the host's available computational resources, and some do both.

The goal of RapperBot, however, isn't evident, as the authors have kept its DDoS functions limited and even removed and re-introduced them at some point.

Also, the removal of self-propagation and the addition of persistence and detection-avoidance mechanisms indicate that the botnet's operators may be interested in initial access sales to ransomware actors.

Fortinet reports that its analysts saw no additional payloads delivered post-compromise during the monitoring period, so the malware just nests on the infected Linux hosts and sits dormant.

Tuesday 2 August 2022

Cyberspies use Google Chrome extension to steal emails undetected


A North Korean-backed threat group tracked as Kimsuky is using a malicious browser extension to steal emails from Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge users reading their webmail.

The extension, dubbed SHARPEXT by Volexity researchers who spotted this campaign in September, supports three Chromium-based web browsers (Chrome, Edge, and Whale) and can steal mail from Gmail and AOL accounts.

The attackers install the malicious extension after compromising a target's system using a custom VBS script by replacing the 'Preferences' and 'Secure Preferences' files with ones downloaded from the malware's command-and-control server.

Once the new preferences files are downloaded on the infected device, the web browser automatically loads the SHARPEXT extension.

"The malware directly inspects and exfiltrates data from a victim's webmail account as they browse it," Volexity said Thursday.

"Since its discovery, the extension has evolved and is currently at version 3.0, based on the internal versioning system."

As Volexity further revealed today, this latest campaign aligns with previous Kimsuky attacks as it also deploys the SHARPEXT "in targeted attacks on foreign policy, nuclear and other individuals of strategic interest" in the United States, Europe, and South Korea.

SHARPEXT workflow
SHARPEXT workflow (Volexity)

Stealthy and highly effective attacks

By taking advantage of the target's already-logged-in session to steal emails, the attack remains undetected by the victim's email provider, thus making detection very challenging if not impossible.

Also, the extension's workflow will not trigger any suspicious activity alerts on the victims' accounts which ensures that the malicious activity will not be discovered by checking the webmail account's status page for alerts.

The North Korean threat actors can use SHARPEXT to collect a wide range of information using commands that:

  • List previously collected emails from the victim to ensure duplicates are not uploaded. This list is continuously updated as SHARPEXT executes.
  • List email domains with which the victim has previously communicated. This list is continuously updated as SHARPEXT executes.
  • Collect a blacklist of email senders that should be ignored when collecting emails from the victim.
  • Add a domain to the list of all domains viewed by the victim.
  • Upload a new attachment to the remote server.
  • Upload Gmail data to the remote server.
  • Commented by the attacker; receive an attachments list to be exfiltrated.
  • Upload AOL data to the remote server.

This is not the first time the North Korean APT group has used browser extensions to harvest and exfiltrate confidential data from targets' breached systems.

As Netscout's ASERT Team said in December 2018, a spear-phishing campaign orchestrated by Kimsuky pushed a malicious Chrome extension since at least May 2018 in attacks targeting a large number of academic entities across multiple universities.