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Saturday 6 October 2012

Red Hat Enterprise Linux VS CENTOS

·         A Red Hat Enterprise Linux subscription results in lower operational costs, centos is not really free.
·         Red Hat is A company: centos is A project
·         Red Hat creates Red Hat Enterprise Linux: centos derives its software from Red Hat
·         Red Hat Enterprise Linux meets us government standards for security: centos does not
·         Red Hat HAs A security team: centos HAs A security forum
·         Red Hat provides Enterprise support: centos customers must rely on community support
·         Red Hat Enterprise Linux undergoes extensive testing: centos provides best-effort testing
·         Red Hat Enterprise Linux is certified with thousands of hardware And software vendors: centos is not
·         Red Hat Enterprise Linux can help  to include your strategic needs in the open source mainstream: centos may be a strategic and governance risk
·         Red Hat is an industry-leading open source technology company: centos is not
·         A Red Hat subscription means collaboration beyond support: centos means self-support or no support

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