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Friday 3 August 2012

IIS 7 Security Features

•Modular Design:
–Reduced exposure at installation and runtime

•.Net Integration:
–Forms Auth for any content
–Use of .NET Role and Membership Providers

•Built in anonymous account
–Easier to administer, restore, and configure

•Application Pool Isolation
–Improved Sandboxing between applications

•URLAuthorization and Request Filtering
–New choices for improving security

•Kernel mode SSL and authentication
–Faster negotiation of security exchanges, fewer problems

Features implemented as discrete modules 
Modularity improves security 
-Reduced module set by default at install
-Remove modules that you do not need
Extensibility allows security customization     
Add authentication, logging, or blocking mechanisms

Integrated pipeline enables Forms authentication with any content 
Leverage existing user database with .NET Role/Membership providers
                Examples: Store user names in:
                                  Active directory or local SAM
                                  SQL 2005 Express for static site users
                                  ADAM for users and groups in a PHP application
                                  DB2 mainframe users and groups in

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